
Keuntungan Investasi Emas

Keuntungan Investasi Emas
Keuntungan Investasi Emas
1. Tidak Ada Counterparty Risk Dalam Emas.
Ketika Anda memegang Emas, Anda memegang Tangible Asset yang tidak tergantung pada orang lain. Tangible Asset dalam genggaman Anda ini menjadi semakin penting pada saat krisis keuangan melanda. Tanyakan pada orang yang menaruh uang di Lehman Brothers (Amerika) misalnya. Juga pada orang yang mengalami krisis finansial yang serius di negaranya, maka Anda akan tahu betapa pentingnya Tangible Asset berupa Emas ini.

2. Konsistensi Daya Beli.
Katakanlah harga Emas turun dari US$ 1.000/oz menjadi US$ 500/oz, pastilah harga komiditi yang lain seperti gandum, minyak, dsb juga ikut turun. Statistik berabad-abad menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang nyata antara harga Emas dengan harga komoditi-komoditi yang dibutuhkan manusia.
Jadi seandainya harga Emas turun, Anda juga tidak mengalami penurunan dalam kekayaan Anda, karena Anda akan tetap dapat membeli barang-barang sama banyaknya seperti ketika harga Emas sebelum turun. Makanya Emas disebut ZERO INFLATION.

Emas sebagai Sarana Investasi

Gold Invesment
Investasi Emas
Pada umumnya orang memilih berinvestasi dalam bentuk emas untuk memperoleh keuntungan dalam jangka panjang. Hal ini disebabkan pertambahan nilai dari emas dinilai tidak terlalu besar dalam jangka pendek dibandingkan dengan investasi di bursa saham misalnya.

Tapi ada periode-periode tertentu dimana investasi emas dalam jangka pendek menghasilkan return yang lebih tinggi, bahkan jika dibandingkan dengan investasi di bursa saham dan deposito atau obligasi. Sebagai contoh, dari awal September hingga pertengahan oktober 2009, harga emas telah naik lebih dari 10%. Nilai ini jauh lebih tinggi dari keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh dari deposito misalnya. Mengingat pada saat yang sama, suku bunga SBI dipatok hanya sebesar 6,5% per tahun. Jadi keuntungan dari investasi emas dalam satu bulan pada periode tersebut masih lebih tinggi daripada keuntungan yang bisa didapat dari deposito selama satu tahun.

Walau demikian, kita mesti menyadari bahwa harga emas pun tidak selamanya naik. Ada masa-masa tertentu pula dimana harga emas mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan. Kita bisa melihat bahwa walaupun harga emas bisa naik dan turun, tetapi dalam jangka panjang selalu memiliki kecenderungan untuk meningkat. Harga emas saat ini telah mengalami kenaikan lebih dari 300% dibandingkan dengan 10 tahun yang lalu. Kalau kita rata-ratakan, berarti harga emas telah mengalami kenaikan lebih dari 30% tiap tahun.

Nilai kenaikan ini jelas lebih tinggi dari tingkat rata-rata inflasi di Indonesia pada periode yang sama. Jadi jelas lah bahwa emas memang terbukti bisa menjadi sarana yang baik bukan hanya untuk menghindari inflasi, tetapi juga menjadi sarana investasi yang menguntungkan.

Gold Interest Rate

Gold Prices Follow Interest Rate
Gold Prices Follow Interest Rate
When interest rates rise, there is a great effort to keep the money on deposit than gold which does not earn interest (non-interest-bearing). This will put pressure on the gold price. Conversely, when interest rates fall, the price of gold will tend to rise.

In theory, if the short-term interest rates rise, the price of gold down. In Indonesia, this theory does not always work.

In 1998, due to a sharp decline of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar, the government raised interest rates significantly. The hope, restrain the rate of increase in the U.S. dollar exchange rate. As a result, despite rising interest rates, gold prices also rose.

Global Situation Economic

Global Economic Collapse
Global Situation Economic
About 80 percent of the total supply of gold used jewelry industry. Consumption of jewelry is a great influence on the demand side.

As economic conditions improved, the need for jewelry tends to rise. However, from the statistical data visible demand for jewelery is more sensitive to fluctuations in gold prices than the increase in economic conditions.

The fall of the level of jewelery demand during recessions in 1982-1983 mainly due to rising gold prices simultaneously. The fall of the level of jewelery demand in times of recession the early 90's more in line with the above, at the time the gold price to go down.

Gold Supply and Demand

Gold Supply and Demand
Gold Supply and Demand
One example of things that can affect the supply and demand (supply and demand) of gold is like a scene in the mid-1980s. At that time, forward sales by mining companies always blamed for the rise in gold prices. In terms of business, the actual behavior of mining companies is reasonable. By selling forward when gold prices rose, they can secure the mine output prices at a fairly attractive price.

As another example, the case in mid-1998 in which the price of gold continued to decline. At that time, central banks in Europe said it would reduce its gold reserves in respect of plans to implement the euro currency. Gold prices plunged around 290 dollars per troy ounce.

World Political Situation

Gold Investment
World Political Situation
The rise in gold prices in late 2002 and early 2003 occurred as a result of that an attack on Iraq by U.S. allies commanded. Market participants to switch investments from the money market and the stock market to gold investment demand for gold jumped so sharply.

Changes in Exchange Rates

Gold Exchange Rates
The weakening of the U.S. dollar exchange rate is usually pushed up gold prices. This is because investors choose to sell their own dollars and then buy the gold which was considered able to protect the value of the assets they have.

For example, at the time of writing (mid-October 2009) the exchange rate of the dollar against other currencies continued to decline, while the price of gold continues to rise up to the level of $ 1,070 per troy ounce which is the highest gold price in history.

Gold Price Analysis

Analisa Harga Emas
Gold Price Analysis

Gold has a limited supply and not easily available, while demand for gold has never diminished, resulting in the price of gold tends to increase from year to year.

In everyday reality, the price of gold does not only depend on the situation of demand and supply, or supply and deman. The price of gold is also affected by the overall economic situation.

Gold Inflation | Emas dan Inflasi

Emas dan Inflasi
Inflasi Emas
Gold is often referred to as "barometer of fear". By the time people worried about the economic situation, they tend to buy gold to hedge their wealth. Two kinds of economic situations that often make people worry is inflation and deflation. Gold has proven to be a means of storing wealth resistant to both inflation and deflation.

One proof gold resistance to inflation we can see from the following example: In about 1400 years ago, the price of goats is worth one dinar. A Dinar was a piece of 22-carat gold with levels and has a weight of 4.25 grams. Currently, a goat with the same quality still has a price equivalent to a penny.

About Gold Investment

Emas Batangan | Belajar Investasi Emas
Emas Batangan
Gold as a metal is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. The chemical properties of gold is "inert," meaning that gold does not react easily with other chemical elements. Gold will continue to sparkle despite all this time buried in the ground or in the ocean.

Gold metal has uses in various industries. But its primary use is as jewelry and tools or currency trading transactions, both of which are hedge. Gold has been used as currency for more than 5000 years ago.

Gold is a metal that has a very high value in all cultures of the world, even in its raw form though. In Indonesia there is one of the world's largest gold mine, which is located in the Copper Pura, Papua, which is managed by PT. Freeport Indonesia.